Play Song - Vocals by Chuck Griffin and Laura Huff
Neanderthal Pauses
Bob McAfee and Chuck Griffin

crossing Central Park, elusive in the shadowland,
time traveler of the darkest side, Caliban,
who rules the earth for a time, brute
of the narrow days, hulking hirsute 

	ape heart
	Neanderthal pauses
	devil servant
	Neanderthal pause

biped bending at the blue fountain, observant
angel in the days of rage, servant
to a butterfly evanescing o'er the canyon
homeland of the hairless ape, the towers of cro-magnon.

	Butterfly towers
	Neanderthal pauses
	loathsome canyon
	Neanderthal pause

Target of the winnowing spear, the devil's dart
has rimmed him through his loathsome heart.
Agony gaze, the furrowed brow ridge fraught
with pain, he hunkers down and drowns in thought.

	hulking rage
	Neanderthal pauses
	target crossing	
	Neanderthal pause

The ape-men gather round the corpse, the Irish cop
his whistle blows, gesticulations stop.
The homeboys leave for home, forsake the crowds,
assume the body in a body bag among the clouds.

	biped angel
	Neanderthal pauses
	winnowing earth
	Neanderthal pause

	furrowed blows
	Neanderthal pauses
	gather crowds
	Neanderthal pause

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